Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

I feel like writing

Hey everybody,
I just decided to write my blog in english, makes sense, doesn´t it? Though there are so many germans over here I HAVE TO GET USED TO SPEAKING/WRITING in english, otherwise I´ll get in trouble with my uni-work´n stuff :-)
I am so glad that I´ve already finished my lectures and tutorials for this week. There is so much to do, I don´t even know where to start. And guess what? We have to work in groups...that SUCKS, I don´t want to spend my weekends working on projects...well, yes, but on my own project "travel through Australia" :-P
Just to give you a short impression of what I´m doing over here:

Community & Media Relations - COMMUNICATION
Sport & Event Marketing - MARKETING
Event Management - TOURISM

That´s a good mix, I reckon :-)))
But I have to write heaps of assignments, prepare presentations, do a lot of research...and I´m afraid I´ll have to spend (too) much time in the library :-(
`Cause I really don´t want to buy all the text books required, f****** expensive...what a rip off!

BUT: there are a couple of things I´m really looking forward to. For example: we had to choose an event for "Sport and Event Marketing", in order to gather information and analyse it. They also want us to attend and maybe work there as a volunteer. I am very lucky because Ben, my room-mate, has to take the same course, that´s why we decided to work together. We chose an AFL game as event-project, he will take me to Brisbane...probably in a huuuuuge I will see my very first AFL (Australian Football League) game soooooon, together with approx. 40.000 aussies :-)))) 
can´t wait!

Well, enough of the uni-stuff.
I´m just hangin´ out in my room, chillin´ and looking forward to the red-frogs-free-bbq here at Unicentral tonight! Hmmm, and what am I gonna do afterwards? I should probably go for a beer (or two) to the Surf Club...I haven´t been there for 3 days...can you believe that?!?! :-)

And now I´ll try to find some cheap flights in order to plan my 2-week-holiday in september. Mateja and I will probably go to NZ for one week, then to Cairns, Townsville, Whitsunday Islands, Great Barrier Reef and then back to Brisbane.
We´ll be going to Sydney, Melbourne and maybe Alice Springs & Ayers Rock in december...we´ll see. It´s not easy to make plans...we just don´t have enough time AND not enough money
Up next: weekend trips to Brisbane City and Byron Bay!

Enough for now - thank´s for your attention!
Best wishes!

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